Saturday, March 05, 2005

The View

Something that struck me when I arrived here were their eyes. There are so many familar and old eyes.
First are My stolen eyes: It has always seemed to me that I have a slightly less-than-usual shade of blue eyes. However, every so often I will come up on someone along the street here with the same shade and it stops me dead in my tracks, mouth agape. It seems like I am looking right into my own eyes in the mirror. It is the strangest feeling; I can't explain it exactly; unsettling, curious, like being reminiscient about something that I never experienced in the first place.
Then there are familiar eyes. Eyes that I feel like I know and have known forever. Today I was watching TV and I saw these eyes that looked just exactly like my dad's, exactly. It struck me so that I had to post about it immediately. It makes me seriously think about heritage, lineage, and familial connection. I see them everyday on the street; Eyes that I recognize and that seem to recognize me back but it is impossible. Am I historically connected to these eyes? Have I known them generations before now? or is it strictly coincidence?
I also see so many people that could be siblings of kalamazoo kids. I have never been around such a mass of people who were so eerily familiar but total strangers. Has anyone who has been to Europe felt this way?


Blogger jake said...

That is a really nice picture.

Now, what we are most interesting in, how are the English butts? Are they as fine as Josh Dahl used to brag?

I think we deserve to know...

March 6, 2005 at 7:26 AM  
Blogger Mark Griffioen said...

i am going to have to agree with jake on both accounts. that is truly a excelent photo. and if you have a high resolution version that you would be willing to send to me i would be happyy as a clam. also, on the second account, the world needs to know, how are the english asses?

March 7, 2005 at 3:58 PM  
Blogger joshua said...

I suffer from the opposite syndrome. I work in a place where I know these people's faces but don't know if it will be awkward to address them.

The Meijer's where I work is close to my old high school. So I see the old faces from 6 or 7 years ago. For the most part I don't remember any of their names. I wish I did but my memory fails me. The other day I helped out a girl who was one of those familar but distant faces. I wasn't wearing my nametag but as she left she said, "Take care Josh." I really wish I remembered her name.

March 7, 2005 at 5:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I kind-of know what you are talking about with the whole eyes thing. When I was pregnant with Lily I was working one day and looked up to see a little girl who was probably two or three. I locked eyes with her and got this really weird feeling. I don't know how to describe it, but all I could think was "That's what my daughter's eyes will look like." It was like I was looking at Lily, but she hadn't been born yet. The feeling was so overwhelming I felt like I was going to pass out. The strangest thing is that Lily has the exact same eyes at that girl.

Oh, and I swear I'm not crazy.

March 8, 2005 at 7:37 PM  
Blogger Miguel Centellas said...

That's an AMAZING picture, btw.

March 13, 2005 at 5:31 AM  

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